Pierluigi Fucci'sBiography
PiERLUIGI FUCCI was born in Campobasso, a small city of Molise, Italy, but now travels the world: London, Paris, New York, San Francisco, Moscow, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, New Delhi, Jakarta, Bali, Istanbul, enhancing his own artistic and cultural experience.
In 1980 after studying classics and a university career in fine arts he reaches a decision concerning his life and work, focusing on the world of fashion, at the Academy of Costume and Fashion in Rome.
In 1984 he works together with some of the most significant and important names in design that created historic labels such as: Cavalli, Krizia, Ferragamo, FerreĢ, and Cardin and subsequently becomes an important consultant for Pollini, Fusco, Rena Lange, Joop and La Perla.
Since 2000 after much practical experience, and close contact with firms and industrial names of considerable importance, the initial artistic course is taken with ALV, BORBONESE group, Kiton Group, Baldinini, Zanellato, Lanificio Olivo Yarns, and Cruciani.
In 2006 he was invited as guest of honour to display in Rome, alongside the new designers proposed by Alta Roma Alta Fashion.
As a consequence he is also included in the official Milan female fashion calendar.

INDEFATIGABLE worker, profound researcher, an expert in the subject matter with its endless technological and creative possibilities, he is appreciated for his solid, hard working and down to earth character. He is respected moreover for his mental agility, his fantasy and that touch of visionary audacity that should never be lacking in any creative person deserving respect.
RESEARCH into yarns and fabrics, into the possibilities of turning material into affirmations of contemporary fashion; this has earned him the right to be called a " stylist in matter".
Indeed it is the material in his metamorphoses that constitutes a fundamental element of his work. Everyone of his collections is a new milestone along the evolving path of a unique model of reference, a variation on the theme FE-MALE, in which the woman finds new expressions of
elegance in a sort of armour plating, vaguely androgynous, but hiding intensely feminility.
His deep passion for ART and particularly for the contemporary sort brings about meaningfull but equally original fusions of elements between his own vision of fashion and the work of famous protagonists in the international scene. In this connection, his homage to the informal art of Burri and to the material art of Jagoda Buic is unforgettable.
And finally the love for the interior that has been realized before in "designing" the mono-brand boutiques of which he was creative director and then, in "thinking" of furniture concept for store in Russia up to the great opportunity to create the style of a luxury mall in China.

PIERLUIGI FUCCI has defined its mission: to become an independent operator always able to meet the strongest demands in products luxury.
Positioned in a niche with a product of quality, high technical content and at the high range of the market.
A style predominantly sought and fashion for women, of high social class, culturally occupied and wanting to pay attention both to style and to material.
Just by drawing upon his own excellent knowledge of the productive materials (fabrics and yarns) and on upon his own skill as a designer, Pierluigi Fucci is able to compete successfully in a market niche that has great potential.
Progressive amplification of the range in the casual segment (second lines), but with a premium price suitable to the brand.